Wednesday, July 26, 2006

One Day

Like any other day
But destined to be different
Going through all those
Stupid, meaningless gestures
Making all those
Vapid, worthless comments
Running after
One’s so-called ‘goals’ in life
Of the ‘enlightened’ civilization
And then without warning
All the color
All the music
Is sucked out of your life
Leaving nothing
But blinding blackness
Slow motion
With no destination
This is how it felt
This is how it feels
When someone you cherish
Leaves you forever
This is how it will feel
For someone else
Who cherishes me
To see me leave
One day
Like any other day
But destined to be different


Unknown said...

Nice! Rings true right now....we lost a colleague last night. Beautiful

Anonymous said...

Very well written (Y)... realization bitter truth eh!