Monday, March 12, 2007

Spiralling Down The Unsafe Sex Road

“Birds do it, Bees do it,
Even educated fleas do it.
Let's do it, Let's fall in love"
~ Cole Porter

Farhana* aged 16, was at a party at a popular club in town with her 19 year old current boyfriend, Jamshed. The drugs and alcohol were flowing freely, she was high on both and at one point, she and Jamshed find an empty room and start getting physical. Jamshed had been asking her a lot lately about having sex. She felt guilty every time he made comments like 'I love you. I want to be with you like forever...marry you, have kids, go the whole way. I think the time's right...we should do it now. Don't you love me? Looks like you don't.” She'd kept dodging the issue but tonight she felt giddy and the inhibitions she'd been having were blissfully absent. And so in a dark, deserted, bare-of-furniture room, Farhana 'made love' with the 'guy of her dreams'. Without a condom.

Bombarded with mixed messages, hormones racing at the speed of light, trapped by taboos that don't answer their questions, more teens these days are doing a whole lot more than just 'falling in love'. If you think promiscuity is just a disease of the West and 'it's better here' where adolescents here are protected by a cocoon of 'culture', you're in for a very rude awakening.

Last week, two of our correspondents got into a conversation with some young people about their views on relationships and dating. What they heard was jarring enough to set them on a quest of discovery, and this week, we share their findings. Be prepared for the disturbing truth...

“It's such a common scene”, exclaims Maheen, aged 17. “The guys make the girls believe that everything's perfect and somehow pursue them to go for it. They sweet-talk the girls. Nowadays having sex means proving your love's true worth. I think they all just want to go physical and are using love as a scapegoat! There's nothing much to do here and girls aren't given a lot of freedom to pursue their interests. They're looking for all the thrills that they can get and this is one of the most forbidden of all the thrills.”

Adnan, aged 20, tells us of his friends who regularly schedule their activities at his place, sometimes even on an everyday basis. I think there's too much sex on TV R-rated movies that don't promote condoms or anything. And there's overuse of drugs and drinks. It's so widely available nowadays. 'Good weed' costs only Taka 80 here. That's cheap. You get high; then you go crazy.”

With more and more of this city's urbane teens falling into this trap, there is increased peer pressure on those who don't have 'someone special' and haven't done 'it'. Furthermore, teens who use alcohol or drugs are more likely to go for it than those who don't, as they're more likely to engage in risky behaviour.

“Teen sex is definitely on the rise”, stated Dr Dilruba Nilufar, consultant gynaecologist at the Dhaka Mahanagar Hospital. While not many studies have been conducted on this subject, the frequency of young, unmarried girls below the age of 18 seeking help regarding pregnancies, STDs and other sex-related problems has increased over the past couple of years. She places the starting age for such cases at 15-16 years.

But even sober teens are having unprotected sex. Why? Mainly because they're either unaware of the risks involved or are living in a sense of false security. Obviously, teens consider casual sex partners risky. Yet teens' decisions to use condoms are based more on a partner's attitudes toward condoms than on their own perception of risk. And teens may feel a false sense of security about main partners. False because so many teens with main partners also have casual partners. And it's false because serial monogamy having one “main” partner for a brief time and then another isn't an effective safe-sex strategy. Sexual health may be jeopardized when one partner views the relationship as a mutually committed one but the other partner doesn't which is the case here most of the time. One must take into account that the starting age for many of these teens is very low. At this point of time, although they cannot really claim complete ignorance about the risks and the import of what they're doing (heck, with the media's obsession with the birds and bees, you have to be a hermit not to know) their knowledge is largely incomplete, and this, combined with their devil-may-care attitude towards the whole thing, is just a time-bomb waiting to explode.

It's absolutely crucial to stress the need for consistent condom use regardless of the teen's feelings toward the partner, sense of the partner's commitment, or the length of the relationship.

Missed Calls

From the heavens to the womb to the heavens again
From ending to ending, never got to begin
~ Flipsyde

As irresponsible as these youngsters are being about their own lives, they are also playing with the lives of others, especially when pregnancy comes to play. According to information gathered from a counselling centre, there are two types of teens who come to the counselling seeking advice regarding pregnancy. A significant number of them are young girls from lower-middle income groups who claim the intercourse was forced on them by older male cousins or other relatives, and who have little or no knowledge about birth control. The other type comprises more affluent college students who are well aware of the consequences of what they are doing. The question remains, though: do they really know?

Anika 18, sadly states “You ask any young kid and they'll know at least three to four girls who have an abortions. I'm sure the number's more as people obviously like to keep such stuff hush-hush. They go with their friends or boyfriends and getting the money is no big deal. Abortion costs around Tk 6,000 or even less. The guy and girl 'go Dutch' or the friends help out and you're done. They're more scared about their parent's reaction to the pregnancy than anything else”.

This being a country with a Muslim majority, abortion is not encouraged or recognised by the government. Pregnancy termination is carried out under the name of Menstrual Regulation (MR), and maybe legally performed on pregnancies up to 12 weeks old. Termination of pregnancies advanced beyond 12 weeks is considered as illegal abortion, and is punishable by law. It must be added here, that even early termination is risky for first-time mothers, as there's an 80% risk of permanent infertility amongst other threats, not least of which is that abortion performed before age 18 increases the risk of developing breast cancer by 150%.

Who's Afraid of The Big Bad Bug?

Most adolescents here are very much ignorant about STDs and how they're transmitted. And when asked whether they practice safe sex and how they felt about accidental pregnancies the answers were nothing if not horrifying. Of the teens we spoke to, while most knew about condoms, many still preferred not to use them, because apparently it is less 'enjoyable'. The girls, many of them relying on sketchy ideas about menstrual cycles, don't insist on their partners using protection.

Very few, if any of our respondents were aware that STD's can occur even when there is no intercourse. With diseases like herpes, mononucleosis, and more spreading through exchange of saliva, you're not safe just because you're not 'going the whole way'.

Also STDs are sexist-they damage women much worse than men (refer to links). In a single act of unprotected sex with an infected partner, a teenage woman has 1% risk of

Let's Talk About Sex

All this shows how very important it's becoming to have comprehensive sex education in schools that include simple, straightforward and positive messages about sex, sexual relationships, reproduction and birth control, sexually-transmitted diseases, and sexual abuse.

Sadat, aged 25 emphasises, “You cannot stop people from having sex. But you can ensure that they practice it safely, which is imperative. Purchase of contraceptives should be made easier. Going to a pharmacy to get condoms, where everybody will smirk behind your back isn't a healthy sexual attitude towards guys let alone girls. There should be dispensaries or vending machines providing contraceptives and things like booklets on safe sex. They should also be available in supermarket shelves so that it saves the blushes to ask for it. And please; it's about high time we had sex education in our schools. Parents, relatives, our education system shy away from a subject still considered taboo. Big mistake. Big.”

Dr Sabin Afrin, gynaecologist, Dhaka Mahanagar Hospital disagrees about the viability of sex education programs in schools. In her opinion, in a conservative society like ours, such programs would not be welcomed by parents. Dr. Dilruba Nilufar, who echoes this sentiment, however, stresses on sex education at home. The Talk, when it happens between parents and preteens, and it must, if we are to protect our kids against these frightening circumstances, should cover more than the basic 'menstrual cycles and stay away from boys' package.

Information is power, and in this high-risk day and age, children and teens need all the information they can get. Refusing to talk about sex doesn't mean that children are safe, that nothing bad will happen to them. When you withhold information about sex, reproduction, the possibility of sexual abuse and contracting STDs from your children you are simply putting all children at risk.

To be more aware of how YOU can be at risk please visit:

By Sabrina F Ahmad and Simin Saifuddin

Special thanks to Dr Dilruba Nilufar and Dr. Sabin Afrin. All names (and places) of our other respondents have been changed to protect privacy.


Unknown said...

A situation as such is undoubtedly a grave one for youths in our country. The importance of safe sex certainly needs to be drilled into their heads. However, that would mean only prevention AND NOT cure. For cure, extensive knowledge sharing and education is required. It is imperative for every school to introduce sex education as part of their regular curriculum; not just teach about safe sex but also to educate teens on the importance of Abstinence.
This friend of mine, a social worker who works with troubled teens, once told me about a work shop exercise she had carried out in her class. She had taken two pieces of adhesive tape and pasted them against one another. The analogy was that of two partners in a meaningful relationship; the bond being very strong. Then she pulled them apart, a task which was difficult the first time. But then she kept repeating it, and each time the bond would get weaker and weaker until at one point the two pieces were not even sticking to each other anymore. I think such simple workshop exercises could be quite effective in conveying to youngsters the importance of a meaningful relationship as opposed to casual hook-ups.

Anonymous said...

hi there...not sure how i stumbled upon ur blog, but glad i did:)

wuda emailed you but its not listed here so i hope you do actually check your comments once in a blue moon:)

not sure how to go about this, but the name is Ferdous and i have very recently gotten interested in all things bengali after my last visit there....hence trying to make up for lost time....dont have many bengali friends to speak of and even fewer in Bangladesh.

Loved the restaurant commentary on ur blog, did u actually go to all of them.....i usually end up going to whichever ones i happen to see while i am busy getting lost in the Gulshan area...hehe

anyway, without so much as to ramble on and on....i would very much love to have a chat perhaps you could add me on your msn, i promise i am totally harmless:)



p.s. oh yea, i am currently in UAE, was in US before that and next stop is still a big question mark:) ciao u...

Anonymous said...

I am so glad to finally read an article or rather an editorial on the subject on "unsafe" sex. Especially in Bangladesh. Many people feel and strongly believe that a life in Bangladesh is safer than a life in, let's say, America. That's because America thrives with the promiscuous nature and this entertaining WEstern Culture. But the western culture has a big impact on non-western countries. So large of an impact that adolescents make rash decisions from what presume is alright, just by having watched it from some box office hit movie. How much farther are we going to sway away from the truth? To what length do we make the young, inexperienced, adolescent minds is definitley not a fun game when you are not doing it "legally". But I really want to thank you on your post. You hit the right points and this should definitley be a cause that must have some more concerns.

; said...

Aha...the age old (or is it?) debate about teenage-coitus and abstinence :) As for me, I still believe in largely Platonic affection before marriage..that is what my family and my usually surroundings have taught me. But perhaps those who live in high-rise palaces of Gulshan and Baridhara, keep modded cars for their pets,have spiked hair or low-cut spaghetti straps on and are increasingly frustrated by the toned lifestyle of their summer homes in USA/UK/Prague might have other views on this. I know I'm being a little stereotypical, even middle class , university students try to "do it" these days right? Its not only a "rich kid" feat anymore, but still there is a strong lull in the relatively lower class people of BD about pre-marital sex. I just don't think its healthy for a person living in BD. That is because chances are he/she wasn't brought up in an environment that supports such taboos. If this was a western country, and pre-marital sex was a regular practise..I wouldn't have had any problem, because then my surroundings, my religion etc would've been different. So, its not really about hating the west..I'm just saying that we are NOT the west..if we were then it would've been ok..but we aren't..and I think it should be kept that way.

And about sexual freedom and peace of mind... there are at least a 100 more ways to have them in real life. Just because you've a gf/bf doesn't mean you have to experiment into unknown echelons just to be anointed as the more "experienced" of your pals :)

Shikamaru said...

I know the situation is bad but it’s not that bad. We still have time. And the two people you wrote about, I know there are also people just opposite of them. I am sure still the cautious teenagers are the majority. A fraction of the young people (both from higher class and low class society) are involved in this kind of things. Still if people come forward with more information about its disadvantages I think we still have time to correct the present situation.

A similar blog i wrote couple of days back on AIDS

Anonymous said...


I just skimmed through your blogs and they look quite interesting. But I am somewhat disappointed that you have not written anything since March 2007. I know pieces such as the one you wrote on libraries take much thought before actually writing them down. But you need to keep pushing the pen (or is it punching the keyboard, these days ;)).

You have a flair. keep nurturing it.


Not your killjoy!

simz said...

the whole point behind the article was not to preach about 'when' to have sex.. that is a debate we'd rather leave up to the individual in question.. but we wanted to stress on SAFE sex.. and so, sex education is imperative.. one can't protect pre-teens from being bombarded by the media liberally dosed with some sort of sexual connotative message or the other.. so you need to control their understanding of what they're seeing or hearing and experiencing ...thus please advocate sex education to promote safe sex..

Comfortably_NumB said...

Yap... Its about controlling their Understanding.. Rather say, the way of understanding things...but the problem start knocking as we are so much surrounded by our own so-called rules. I don’t wish to say that rules should be broken, rather we need to modify them…correct the rules where needed, in order to have a proper system in place. As a result we will be able to help the youth to see life in much of a healthier way.

Anonymous said...

Good words.